We are always seeking new members who wish to give back to our community by supporting our hospital or gain some real life experience in fundraising, coordinating events or managing volunteers. We welcome and seek diversity in all aspects of our volunteer base. Many lifelong friendships are made with fellow members.
Here are some of the activities volunteers can participate in:
Fundraising Events: We are looking for people to help with coordinating and running our Annual Garage Sale, our Holiday Bazaar and smaller fund raising events. This includes managing the items for sale, securing venues, setting up and tearing down, and scheduling volunteers. We can always use more help for working at tables and setting up and tearing down these events.
Gift Shop: It takes over 40 people to just keep the Gift Shop open for business. They each work at least one 3.5 hour shift every second week in the shop and some provide addition support by managing the buying and inventory of items, scheduling the volunteers and managing the cash flow.
Birthday Parties: Once a month we provide cake and other refreshments in a celebration of our resident birthdays in the Extended Care Unit. We seek talented musicians and other entertainers for these monthly events.
Handicrafts: Our Auxiliary is known for the sale of handmade items at our Gift Shop and Annual Bazaar. If you knit, crochet, sew, quilt and create valued hand crafted items we would love to get you working for us. Our crafters meet bi-weekly to work on projects and discuss new ideas for items to make.
Communications: We depend on public relations to get support for our fundraising activities and maintain our membership. In addition, there is a lot of internal communications that need to be done to keep all of our volunteers in the know. Familiarity with the use of spreadsheets, word processing, bulk emailing, website development and social media is where we can use help.
Managing our Business: It takes a good deal of work to coordinate over 90 volunteers and raise funds. If you have experience, or want to get work experience in managing people we can always use your help in communications, public relations and coordinating our members, especially if you
We are a “working” auxiliary. To become an active member, you are required to pay a yearly fee of $20 and to volunteer in some capacity.
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete our application form (below). Completed forms can be dropped off at the Hospital Gift Shop or delivered to the address provided on the form.
Some of our volunteers!
December 2021 General Meeting